There’s a sense of calm in knowing you’re going where kids are allowed to be kids.

Punta de Mita is already known as a family friendly resort, where activities like surfing, snorkeling, and hiking provide ample opportunity to connect as a family in an unforgettable setting.  

Even with all the activities, however, sometimes kids just need a day to play, relax, escape the sun, and engage with other children their age without their parents around.  

And—perhaps most importantly—also give the grown ups some time to act their own ages, as well.  

Here at Conrad Punta de Mita, the Turi Kids Club provides children ages 3-12 with a fun, engaging, and educational place they can play and call their own. 

From board games they may already know from back home, to arts and crafts inspired by local, indigenous Huichol tradition, the Turi Kids Club offers hourly classes or passes that last the full day.  

Add in the water slide, splash pad, and Paleta restaurant—which even has seating specifically for kids, and the Paletita kids menu—and the day spent relaxing and playing at the club may end up creating the most memories and laughs than any other day on the trip. 

Want to keep the party going into the night, or have an adults-only dinner? Babysitting services are also available with 24-hour notice.  

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